Sunday, March 8, 2009

Awaiting A Storm

On a windy day 1, originally uploaded by randihausken.

We are under a Blizzard Warning right now, expecting quite a bit of snow and blowing in the next few days. Knowing that a storm is coming always makes me feel like I need to prepare! Go shopping! Buy food! Make soup! :) Every time I learn of a snow storm (before it starts snowing!) I wish I knew how to knit, so I could sit in peace - knitting and watching the snow.
Well.. I know how to crochet and there is no shortage of resources for learning to knit. But if I learn how, I'll discharge that little fantasy. The fantasy that I could have time knitting, making something useful, being quiet and observing the snow making everything new again.
So, why is this a fantasy? Why haven't I taken the time to make this reality? Is it because it is easier? There is no chance of failure or frustration in fantasy. There is no constant interruptions so familiar to people with small children. There is no learning curve, preparation, boredom, or failure.
But really... how Real are those things? If I knit something crooked and unusable, didn't I still enjoy knitting it? If I see those interruptions as moments to be more mindful, more present, then aren't they moments of clarity, instead of frustration?
Finding peace in our journey (to the kitchen, to the store, to spiritual enlightenment, to clean teeth) is the point, I think. I don't know why we are so drawn to fantasy, to things that are inherently UnReal.
The truth is, there is no learning curve, preparation, boredom or failure here now. Unless we make it. Every moment can be enjoyable. Every moment we are alive is a miracle, in and of itself!

I read a quote recently, although I can't remember where that really made me aware of how much we create in our mind, that isn't necessarily real:

Doubts do not grow branches and leaves.

Of course they don't! They only exist because we let them. We entertain them. We keep them going long after they would have been quiet. And get this: We don't have to. Feel them, let them go. How freeing! How amazing to think that we can stop feeling bad by Stopping Feeling Bad. Stop overanalyzing, fretting, putting yourself down, whatever it is. Breathe, see the sky, feel the wind, smell the coffee. It is right here and it is your reality.


1 comment:

  1. What a wise woman you are! Yep. 100% yep. Thank you for the reminder, as well. We can't practice being present enough, really. Namaste, k
