Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Peaceful Existence

Monastery, originally uploaded by Der Hannes.

Lately I've been doing a lot of thinking on peace and how we can cultivate it in our lives. What brings me peace? What brings peace to my family? Our home? Our relationships with each other? Our relationship with the earth?

One of the things I've found a lot of inspiration and guidance from is A Quiet Mind. Robert offers a lot of food for thought and some great insight on how to find peace through acceptance. It is from a mostly Buddhist perspective, although I think anyone who has an interest in peaceful living and/or meditation would find a lot of good in it.

So, back to the point. How do you cultivate peace in your lfe? Do you cultivate peace spiritually? Physically? Is mental peace different from emotional peace? What about peace in our lifestyle, living simply?

I have so many thoughts on this that I am going to have to do many posts!! There are a lot of times where I am striving for peace in my life and failing miserably. How about you?

Some things I've been finding inspiration in right now are:

Mama Om - a blog by a mama of 2 boys, trying to live and parent peacefully.

Mindful Kids - I haven't had a chance to properly look over this website, but it looks very promising.



  1. Hello! Thank you for the link! Your blog is really nice.

    Your post (where you wrote "when I am striving for peace and failing miserably") made me think about a talk I attended by Jude Rozhon... she talked about the pitfalls of evaluating one's practice (which I do ALL THE TIME), and she mentioned a Zen saying, "Always failing."

    Everyone laughed. What a relief! Now I say it to myself to lighten the mood around my great desire "to be more peaceful."

  2. i’m at peace when my life is in balance and i am enjoying now. i always know when things are off-kilter. the more time passes, the easier it is to get back to that point of balance. (a blessing of age!)
