Monday, January 26, 2009

Apartment Therapy

Do you love Apartment Therapy?

I do. I love looking at all of the beautiful, CLEAN apartments. Of course, I sometimes struggle with being inspired by it instead of discouraged. I mean.. my apartment isn't nearly as grand as anything featured there. I do not have a lot of nice stuff, and well.. I don't really like stuff that much! I mean.. I have accumulated too many things (like everyone else) but I am not fond of most of it and really try to keep it in check. The less the better.

I wonder if any other chronically disorganized people love AT?



  1. OOoooo, did you see the heart-shaped tea cups? Covet, covet, covet. :) Looks like great ideas there, I'd never seen that site before. Thanks!

  2. I saw those and figured you would like them! :) AT is great for daydreaming, for me..
